Recession Scenario
As stated in previous article, a possible million plus lost their jobs in this period. As a result these guys taking in account fresh graduates from college were left in a condition where supply was at its minimum against a possibly highest demand ever for jobs. The result…..
Many of them compromised and took up jobs against their likings. I saw many technical graduates entering BPOs which no doubt happened before as well but the percentage sky rocketed this time around. This resulted in compromise on talent, compromise on pay packages, compromise on job satisfaction, compromise on Output, compromise on career.
Many candidates who were working on say profile A were given choices like “Work with us on profile B or you can leave”. Seeing the condition in market a majority of those succumbed and chose to go against their will and took up other profiles. Another compromise that led to degraded output.
Appraisals did not happen. Salaries were supposed to be increased at the end of appraisals. Instead, candidates were handed with new offer letters with lesser salaries. Now what, majority of them might started looking for options and in turn compromised on quality thinking we gave our best and we got peanuts, so it’s better the output also be equivalent to peanuts.
Possible Post-Recession Scenario
Majority of the candidates who lost their jobs and were working at say Rs 25k/- per month will be patient up to certain time and eventually will land up with a Rs 15k/- per month job possibly. Yet another compromise in store.
With conditions getting better, HRs will now have more options to choose from and the candidates also knowing that there is competition would lower their salary expectations. Again a possible compromise waiting to happen.
Well, no doubt post recession scenario would be better, but above-mentioned can also be one face of it. Such things can happen. My only concern is that Corporates should not misuse the concerns of candidates and make them compromise or else they might face a big backlash which will be seen some time later with a continuous degraded output which will be a part of vicious cycle. And as we all know if once anyone gets into a vicious cycle it’s tough to get out of it.
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